11. References
Equipment Guidelines for Diisocyanate Storage Tanks
This Technical Bulletin is intended to provide guidelines for describing various equipment options for storage
tank systems intended for diisocyanate product service. The bulletin includes a reference table of equipment options, which is supplemented by additional text. (AX-365, 2018)
Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest
This document provides information on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Uniform Hazardous
Waste Manifest. EPA requires hazardous waste generators and transporters to use the Uniform Hazardous
Waste Manifest for all hazardous waste shipments, including waste MDI, which is a listed hazardous waste
(U223). (AX-406, 2013)
Health Effects of Diisocyanates: Guidance for Medical Personnel
This guidance document is designed specifically for medical personnel to provide current information about the
potential health effects from diisocyanate exposure, and to provide guidance to assist with medical diagnosis and
management. The discussion focuses on two widely used diisocyanate-based products: diphenylmethane
diisocyanate (MDI) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI). (AX-150, 2013)
Occupational Hygiene Air Monitoring for MDI and TDI Guidance
This guidance document describes workplace air monitoring methods for MDI and TDI and provides information
on personal and area sample collection. Several instruments and derivatization methods for monitoring vapors
are presented. (AX-248, 2012)
MDI Transportation Guidelines
MDI Transportation Guidelines: This 54-page technical guideline provides a summary of regulatory requirements affecting the transport and distribution of MDI, and relevant industry safety guidelines. (AX-
198, 2014)
Guidance for Melting 4,4'-Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanates (MDI) in Drums
This guidance provides information that is intended to serve as a general guideline on how to heat drums to melt frozen or fused MDI. (AX-363, 2012)
Guidance for the Selection of Protective Clothing for MDI Users
Describes useful guidance on selecting the appropriate PPE and the performance characteristics of gloves, coveralls, splash suites, and other protective suites commonly used when working with MDI. (AX-178, 2013)
Guidance for Working with MDI and Polymeric MDI: Things You Should Know
An easy-to-read, brochure which provides information about important health and safety considerations when working with MDI or Polymeric MDI. (AX-205, 2012)
Guidelines for Freight Securement: Freight Loading and Securement for Chemical Shipments in the Polyurethane Industry
This guidance document is intended to provide basic principles and examples of freight loading and securement for intermodal domestic and international shipments. The document is intended for transportation professionals that ship or receive polyurethane related materials. The comprehensive guidance document provides useful and essential safety mechanisms, preload inspection of trailers and containers, restraint systems and the closure of the transport containers. Clear, detailed photographs provide helpful representations of appropriate freight loading and securement practices. This document also references regulatory and modal requirements governing these shipments. (AX-173, 2012)
MDI Emissions Reporting Guidelines for the Polyurethane Industry
(RCAP Program)
Transloading Polymeric Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanates (PMDI)
These guidelines have been developed to describe various options for transloading PMDI from rail tank cars to
cargo tank trailers (AX-409, 2015)
Contact your BASF representative to obtain the following documents:
BASF Isocyanate Medical Guideline - First Aid Providers
BASF Isocyanate Medical Guidelines – Physician
Contact your BASF representative to obtain this document:
A Guide for the Primary Care Physician in Evaluating Diisocyanate Exposed Workers for Occupational Asthma
International Isocynate Institute Reference Materials
MDI & TDI: Safety, Health and the Environment: A Source Book and Practical Guide
For more Information please visit the following websites:
American Chemistry Council (ACC)
Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI): www.polyurethane.org
Diisocyanates (DII) Panel: https://dii.americanchemistry.com/
International Isocyanate Institute: http://www.diisocyanates.org/
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